A Sorcerer's Guide to Thralls of Albion
Created by Arachnia, spider charmer of Guinevere
Special Trait - Level Range - Creature's Name - Area to Find it - Special Abilities, Notes, and Type
Basic PetBuffsCasts DDHealsProc/InstaStylesDoT/PoisonCC/Stun

STYLES 18-21Apprentice NecyomancerGood melee, slash or thrust
STYLES 24-27Young NecyomancerGood melee, slash or thrust
STYLES 30-33NecyomancerGood melee, slash or thrust
STYLES 36-39Experienced NecyomancerGood melee, slash or thrust
STYLES 36-42RocotGood melee, slash or thrust
STYLES 42-45Cursed NecyomancerGood melee, slash or thrust
STYLES 48-51Condemned NecyomancerGood melee, slash or thrust
STYLES 50+Tormented NecyomancerGood melee, slash or thrust

STYLES 25-28Albion Protector/Hibernian Wayfayer/Norse VaktenSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 28-31Albion Guardian/Hibernian Savant/Norse SkiltvaktenSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 30Albion Warder/Hibernian Cosantoir/Norse Isen VaktenSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 33Albion Myrmidon/Hibernian Brehon/Norse Flammen VaktenSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 35-38Albion Gryphon Knight/Hibernian Grove Protector/Norse Elding VaktenSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 38-42Albion Eagle Knight/Hibernian Raven Ardent/Norse Stormur VaktenSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 40-44Albion Pheonix Knight/Hibernian Silver Hand/Norse Isen HerraSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 43Albion Alerion Knight/Hibernian Thunderer/Norse Flammen HerraSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 45Albion Unicorn Knight/Hibernian Guilded Spear/Norse Elding HerraSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 48-51Albion Lion Knight/Hibernian Tiarna/Norse Stormur HerraSlash/thrust damage
STYLES 50-52Albion Dragon Knight/Hibernian Emerald Ridere/Norse EinherjarSlash/thrust damage

Demonic Familiars
STYLES 15Ratmelee, slash or thrust
STYLES 18-20Antmelee, slash or thrust
STYLES 21Catmelee, slash or thrust
STYLES 24Scorpionmelee, slash or thrust
STYLES 27Boarmelee, slash or thrust
STYLES 30Spidermelee, slash or thrust
STYLES 33-35Dogmelee, slash or thrust
STYLES 36Lynxmelee, slash or thrust

Other Creatures
DOT 25-30Plated FiendOk melee
DOT 32-40Avernal QuasitOk melee, thrust, flying
DOT 32-34Dreamhanessflying
DOT 32-36LilispawnOk melee
DOT 40-50Molochian TempterOk melee
DOT 47-52Naburite DrinkerLifetap proc